Well, it wasn't quite the house of my dreams, but it was nice, next to a park and a short drive to work. Now I'm in an apartment, but transportation is relatively cheap.
The job was a good turn of events. I figured once I had a job it'd be pretty much the same as being back in the states working. And it is, more or less. It's a different working environment. I certainly like seeing people during the day rather than being at home alone.
I live, and cook, in Switzerland. A former Senior web infrastructure architect for a major Aerospace firm, I used to do prep cooking for a French restaurant, Le Provencal, in Kirkland, Washington, while I was in High School. Now, I'm in charge of cooking for my wife and I every night while I work for the Internet in Switzerland.
TBF in early 2000:
Hey, I've lived in Chicago since 1963 and I'm fluent in English. We have the house of our dreams, and we'll probably never move.
A few months later...our house was sold and we were living in Switzerland.
Life often takes unexpected turns.
Congrats! I'm coming up on my 4 years soon. Adding a job to that would be swell...
Well, it wasn't quite the house of my dreams, but it was nice, next to a park and a short drive to work. Now I'm in an apartment, but transportation is relatively cheap.
The job was a good turn of events. I figured once I had a job it'd be pretty much the same as being back in the states working. And it is, more or less. It's a different working environment. I certainly like seeing people during the day rather than being at home alone.
Do you need to update your 'About me' section? Says you're still looking for work.
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