Wednesday, October 1, 2008

First day at work!

Today was my first day at the new job. I'm not going to really say too much about it. After all, I prefer to separate my work and personal life. However, there is just one thing I want to say about the day. Somehow, I managed to survive an entire day speaking pretty much nothing but German. I had some doubts I could do it, but I did. What was surprising, is that I actually got comfortable speaking German and was able to relax and enjoy it.


The Big Finn said...

Great! I would have been a sweaty mess by the end of a German-speaking day.

Greg said...

I WAS a sweaty mess by the end of the day. Yesterday was much better though as I dressed down a little bit.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Joining the rest of us proletarians. About damn time!

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